Figure 9.
3D reconstruction of dendritic arborization and axonal projections of a pre-BötC intrinsic burster neuron. A, XY (coronal) plane view (caudal end of slice) of reconstructed (whole-mount) dendritic arborizations of pre-BötC inspiratory intrinsic burster neuron (red neuron from Fig. 8A). Arrow points to neuron axon. Dorsal (d) and medial (m) directions are indicated. B, XY plane view of axonal projection of neuron in A showing collateral axon projections to the ipsilateral preMN region and XII motor nucleus and into the contralateral pre-BötC and XII preMN regions. Location of the slice midline is indicated. C, XZ plane (ventral side) view of the axonal projection of same neuron as B illustrating the rostral (downward) trajectory of the axon as it approaches and crosses the midline before coursing caudally (upward) to approach the plane of origin at the contralateral pre-BötC.