Spontaneous recombination rates are reduced in TORC2-Gad8 mutants compared with wild type.
A, schematic representation of the recombination substrate and of the two types of the resulting Ade+ recombinants. Gene conversion results in Ade+ His+, whereas deletion leads to the formation of Ade+ His− colonies. B, recombination frequencies of the indicated strains (per 104 cells). Conversion types (black) or deletion types (gray) were determined by replica plating. C, genetic interactions between mutations in TORC2-Gad8 components and deletion of Brc1. 10-fold serial dilutions of logarithmic growing cells were platted on YE-rich medium, containing the indicated concentrations of MMS or CPT. Plates were incubated at 30 °C for 3–4 days.