[14C]Oleate and [3H]monoolein retention by WT and LFABP−/− liver cytosol. Representative chromatograms of 10 mg of WT and LFABP−/− cytosol (A280; hollow symbols) and [14C]oleate (A and B) or [3H]monoolein (C and D) radioactivity (dpm; solid symbols) plotted against elution volume (ml) are shown. Separate columns were packed for the two [14C]oleate and the two [3H]monoolein fractionations. 50 μl of concentrated fraction volume was probed for LFABP in multiple fractions from each of the runs; LFABP immunoblots are shown in E–H. The fractions are labeled by their elution volumes, and the first lane in each immunoblot is the positive control 3 μg of purified LFABP.