Figure 4. Correlograms of fij coefficients for the localities Bynovec and Hrad.
Correlograms of fij coefficients for the locality Bynovec within (A) seedlings, (B) saplings, (C) mature trees, (D) old trees, (E) overall data and (F) among all age classes; for the locality Hrad within (G) seedlings, (H) saplings, (I) mature trees, (J) old trees, (K) overall data and (L) among all age classes. The solid line plots the observed data, and the dotted lines indicate the 95% confidence interval deduced from 10,000 permutations of individual multilocus genotypes within each age class, overall age classes or among all age classes. Values with asterisks (*) above and below the confidence envelopes indicate a greater or lesser genetic structure among individuals at different distances than expected of individuals chosen at random (P<0.005).