Figure 3.
Clinical response of DCIS after letrozole treatment. (A–C) Tumor size of DCIS patients treated with letrozole evaluated by ultrasonography (US). The median value of the greatest dimension was illustrated by a horizontal line in the box pot, and grey box denotes the 75th (upper margin) and 25th percentiles of the values (lower margin), respectively. The upper and lower bars indicate the 90th and 10th percentiles, respectively. Each value was shown in an open circle, and the paired values from the same patient were connected in a line. The statistical analyses were performed using a Wilcoxon signed rank test (A, B), and a Mann–Whitney U-test (C). P-value <0.05 was considered significant, and indicated in bold. (D) Representative MR images after letrozole treatment (Case 5). Axial dynamic contrast-enhanced MR images obtained in early phase represented a segmental non-mass-like lesion in the left breast (arrow) (upper panel), and corresponding axial fat-suppressed T2-weighted imaging showed strong high signal intensity within the lesion (arrow), compared with that in the contralateral right breast (lower panel).