Figure 6.
Regulation of RT4 proliferation by FGFR3 and miR-100. (A and B) Cell viability of RT4 cells in normoxia (white bars) or 0.1% O2 (black bars) after transfection with (A) scramble (Scr) siRNA or siRNA against FGFR3 or (B) miRNA control mimic or mimic-100. (C and D) RT4 cells grown as spheroids over a time course after transfection with (C) scramble (Scr) siRNA or siRNA against FGFR3 or (D) miRNA control mimic or mimic-100. (E and F) Quantification of (C) and (D), respectively. (A–F) Data are mean and s.e.m. of three independent experiments. *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001.