SLC26A2 E336Q is a loss-of-function mutation with wildtype surface expression, and SLC26A3 E293Q exhibits similar loss of function. A. 35SO42− influx from cyclamate baths containing 1 mM or 20 mM sulfate into oocytes previously injected with water or with 0.5 ng cRNA encoding wildtype SLC26A2 (hA2) or 20 ng cRNA encoding SLC26A2 mutant E336Q (n=10). ‡, p<0.05 vs E336Q, p< 0.005 vs. water in 1 mM sulfate; **, p<0.001 vs. E336Q; *, p<0.001 vs. water in 20 mM sulfate. B. Confocal immunofluorescence images of representative median intensity showing oocytes previously injected with water or with 10 ng cRNA encoding SLC26A2 (hA2) or its mutant E336Q. Lower right, average fluorescence intensities for (n) oocytes. P<0.005 vs water. C. 36Cl− influx into (n) oocytes previously injected with water or with 10 ng cRNA encoding SLC26A3 (hA3) or its mutant E293Q (20 ng). *, p < 0.005 vs E293Q or water. D. 36Cl− efflux rate constants into ND-96 bath for (n) oocytes previously injected with water or with 10 ng cRNA encoding SLC26A3 (hA3) or 20 ng encoding SLC26A3 mutant E293Q. *, p < 0.05 vs E293Q, 0.005 vs. water.