(A) Representative western blot of LXRα and β-Actin from nuclear extract of rodent lung tissue at 180 minutes post-resuscitation. (B) Image analysis of representative western blot (Fig 6A) of LXRα content in nuclear extract of rodent lung tissue 180 minutes post-resuscitation as evaluated by western blot. N= 2, 4, 5 for sham, vehicle and T0901317 treated animals, respectively. (C) Representative EMSA probed for LXRα in nuclear extract of rodent lung tissue at 180 minutes post-resuscitation. (D) Image analysis of representative EMSA (Fig. 6C) showing LXRα binding to DNA in nuclear extract of rodent lung tissue at 180 minutes post-resuscitation. N= 2, 5, 5 for sham, vehicle and T0901317 treated animals, respectively. Asterisk (*) indicates P < 0.05 versus sham rats; pound (#) indicates P < 0.05 versus vehicle-treated rats.