Anti-Sm CD138int B cells have a high turnover rate and a high frequency are undergoing apoptosis. A, Seven-day BrdU incorporation by CD138− (□) and CD138int (■) B cells from non-Tg, 2-12H, and 2-12H MRL/lpr mice (n = 4). Error bars indicate SD. On the right are representative histograms to illustrate the gatings used to measure the frequency CD138− and CD138int populations that have incorporated BrdU. B, Cell cycle analysis of CD138int B cells based on propidium iodide (PI) incorporation. The frequency of PI+ cells in the G2/S gate is shown for each population. Representative of two independent experiments using cells pooled from three mice. C, Detection of early apoptosis using VAD-FMK staining of CD138− (□) and CD138int (■) B cells in non-Tg, 2-12H, and 2-12H MRL/lpr mice (n = 6). Error bars indicate SD. On the right are representative histograms illustrating the gates for VAD-FMK and CD138 staining used to generate the frequency of apoptotic cells. Values of p are for the comparison between the indicated CD138int populations.