Figure 2.
Proliferative response to hypoxia differs in DAOY and D283 Med cells and is inhibited by intetumumab. A. DAOY cells grown in 1% (white bars) or 21% O2 (grey bars) in the presence of 3 escalating doses of intetumumab. Cells grown in the presence of 1.5 mg/mL intetumumab had significantly less proliferation compared to cells grown in the presence of vehicle in their respective oxygen condition. Cells grown at 1% O2 had significantly more proliferation compared to their counterparts grown at 21% O2 with the exception of cells grown in the presence of 1.5 mg/mL intetumumab. B. D283 Med cells grown under 1% or 21% O2 conditions at 3 escalating doses of intetumumab. Cells grown in the presence of all doses of intetumumab had significantly less proliferation compared to cells grown in the presence of vehicle within their respective oxygen condition. There was no difference in proliferation between cells grown at 1% and 21% O2. Figures are means of 3 different experiments. Error bars are standard error. RFU= relative fluorescent unit, * = P < 0.05, ** = P < 0.01, NS = not significant.