Effect of early exercise on the ultrastructure of the BBB in the ipsilateral cortex using transmission electron microscopy after three-days’ exercise. Permeability of the BBB in early-exercise rats remained compromised compared to NE rats. n = 4. a, d and g: In the sham group, tight junctions (TJs) and basement membranes (BLs) were intact. b, e and h: In the NE group, blood vessels were severely shrunken with reduced luminal areas, vacuoles were present in their mitochondria and their basement membranes were abnormally incomplete. The feet of perivascular astrocytes were swollen and even dissolved and exhibited reduced electron density. TJs decreased in quantity, but appeared normal in morphology. c, f and i: In the EE group, blood vessels were slightly shrunken, TJs and basement membranes were intact and swelling of astrocytic perivascular processes was observed. TJ: tight junction; *: astrocyte end-foot; L: capillary lumen; R: a red cell; BL: basal lamina; ER: endoplasmic reticulum. Scale bars: a–c,1 μm; d–i, 0.5 μm.