Figure 5.
Contour plots of two examples separable parameter space WSSE objective functions for 4K (left) and 5K (right) compartment models. The grayscale represents WSSE values, and contour lines are drawn at regular intervals. Recall that the separable parameter space formulation for 4K-5K models has two nonlinear unknowns (υ1, υ2), and also that υ2 is constrained to be less than υ1 (hence the plots are only defined for regions υ2 < υ1). The objective functions are generally well behaved and do not show complex topological features. However, some complex structure exists in the lower-left corner near υ1 = υ2 line and near υ2 = 0 which could slow convergence of gradient-descent type algorithms in these regions. These structures arise from “attraction” due to imaginary poles in the excluded υ2 > υ1 and υ2 < 0 regions of the solution space.