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. 2013 May 15;33(20):8820–8826. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.4029-12.2013

Figure 1.

Figure 1.

Activity-dependent EPSC decrease in the absence of glutamate. A, Sampled presynaptic calcium currents (ICa), EPSCs, and presynaptic Cm induced by the first, sixth, and 10th Train1Hz applied every 30 s. The rate of Cm decay (Ratedecay) in the interval between each 20 ms depolarization during Train1Hz is also plotted. The presynaptic pipette contained 0 mm glutamate (Glu applies to AG). B, ICa, EPSC, and Cm induced by the first 20 ms depolarization during first (black), sixth (blue), and 10th (red) Train1Hz shown in A are superimposed. C–E, The QICa, ΔCm, and QEPSC induced by each Train1Hz are plotted versus the number of Train1Hz applied every 30 s (C, n = 8), 60 s (D, n = 8), or 300 s (E, n = 5). Data were normalized to the amplitude (Amp) induced by the first Train1Hz, and expressed as the mean ± SEM (applied to all figures). F, QEPSC in C and D are plotted versus the Train1Hz number. G, The mean mEPSC amplitude recorded between Train1Hz applied every 30 s for 15 times (n = 4 synapses, no kynurenic acid in bath).