Fig. 4.
Quantitative fractional ionization model of hydrogen bonding groups within the KSI D40N active site with bound phenols of increasing solution pKa. (A) Fractional ionization values (estimated uncertainty ± 0.15) were derived from the 13C NMR data as explained in the main text and SI Materials and Methods. The data were globally fit (R2 values of individual fits = 0.92–0.97) with the equilibrium proton transfer model given in Methods to give best-fit values of 8.6 for parameter a, 0.1 for parameter b (the slope of the linear dependence of Y16 acidity on phenol pKa), and 9.6 for the apparent pKa of Y57. (B) Schematic depiction of the ionization states present within the active site hydrogen bond network whose fractional populations shift as a function of increasing phenol pKa.