Evolution of the average search time with the temperature (A), the memory of the searcher (B), the damping factor (C), and the odometry errors (D). Points are the results of the simulations (20,000 simulations per point), and lines are visual aids. (A–C) Colors are associated with the initial distance from the source: black, ; red, d = λ; green, ; and blue, d = 2λ. Simulations were performed with λ = 30 a.u., V = 0 a.u., with (A) NM = 750 and γ = 0.8, (B) T = 1 and γ = 0.8, (C) T = 1 and NM = 750, and (D) NM = 750, γ = 0.8, T = 1, an initial radius from the source equal to , and with an odometry error modeled as a Gaussian noise of defined deviation σ added to the searcher’s true position