[Ca2+]i Response by a 5-HT2cR Agonist in Neurons
(A) Northern blot analysis of MBII52. Quantitative data are shown in the right panel, where MBII52 expression in WT is defined as 1.
(B–D) The effect of WAY 161503 on [Ca2+]i in primary cultured neurons. Representative images (responding cells are indicated by an arrowhead) and average responses under various concentrations of agonist are shown in (B) and (C), respectively. Averaged data for the concentration-dependent effect of WAY 161503 are indicated in (D). Error bars represent the SEM. n = 17 for patDp/+, n = 15 for matDp/+, n = 18 for WT. ∗∗p < 0.001.