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Changes in GFP-GR recovery at the array are coupled to transcriptiona

Condition studied State 1 State 2 % Change in transcription (state 2 − state 1)/state 1 Change in FRAP (state 2 vs. state 1)
Array state Decondensed Condensed −70 Faster (Fig. 9b)
Agonists and antagonists Dexamethasone RU486 −90 Faster (Fig. 9c)
Dexamethasone Corticosterone −50 Faster (Fig. 9d)
Chaperone perturbation Dexamethasone Geldanamycin + dexamethasone −70 Faster (Fig. 5a)
Dexamethasone Radicicol + dexamethasone −95 Faster (Fig. 5c)
Corticosterone Geldanamycin + corticosterone −70 Faster (Fig. 5e)
Proteasome perturbation Dexamethasone MG-132 + dexamethasone +210 Slower (Fig. 7d)
Corticosterone MG-132 + corticosterone −90 Slower (Fig. 7e)

The level of transcription was determined by measuring the relative RNA FISH signal intensities in the nuclei of 35 to 100 individual cells.