Figure 4.
CD8 memory responses are dependent on ZAP-70 catalytic activity. (a,b) Flow cytometric analysis of LCMV (a) GP33–41-specific and (b) NP396–404-specific IFNγ and TNFα production by Zap70+/− and Zap70(AS) memory CD8+ cells. Contour plots are gated on CD8+ CD44high memory cells. The concentrations of 3-MB-PP1 present are indicated above the plots. (c, d) Graphs display the percentage of IFNγ+ TNFα+ cells at each concentration of 3-MB-PP1 tested. Percentages are of CD8+ CD44high memory Zap70+/− (black line) and Zap70(AS) (gray line) cells. Error bars indicate the standard deviation from the mean; n=3. Data are representative of 3 experiments.