Figure 3.
HFSC enhanced barrier function and suppressed resurfacing by the conjunctiva following LSCD. (A, B, E, F) Transplant of the HFSC to the LSCD eye (A–D) resulted in reestablishment of tight junctions revealed by a decrease in fluorescein uptake in the ocular surface when compared to controls; white light (A, E), green light (B, F). (C, G) Stereomicroscopic examination with UV light also revealed a reduction in vascularization in eyes receiving the HFSC transplant (C) when compared to the control (G). (D, H) Periodic acid Schiff staining demonstrated the ability of the SC transplant to suppress resurfacing by the conjunctiva with little to no goblet cells present (D); however, without treatment the ocular surface is entirely covered by goblet cells (H). All images are from specimens 4 weeks after LSCD in the presence of the HFSC transplant (A–D) or absence (E–H). Magnification: A-C, E-G – 20X; D, H – 400X; inset 630X