Comparison of annual trends among meteorological factors, particulate matter assessed by ground and space monitoring, and ischemic heart diseases in Beijing, China, 2006. A) Daily average of relative humidity and absolute humidity. B) Plot of daily average of relative humidity verses daily average of absolute humidity. C) Plot of daily average of dew point verses daily average of absolute humidity. D) 3-day moving average of PM10 and AH-calibrated 260 AOD. E) Daily average of absolute humidity and daily admission of ischemic heart diseases (7-day moving average). F) Daily average of absolute humidity and 3-day moving average of PM10. We used 3-day moving average of PM10 and AOD for better visualizing the annual trend, which were calculated by the values of prior one day, current day, and post one day. 7-day moving average of healthcare outcome was calculated from the current day to the 6th lag day.