Projections of LM to the SC. A, In situ image of callosal connections retrogradely labeled with the fluorescent tracer bisbenzimide (blue). BDA injection site (arrow) at posteromedial border of acallosal zone lateral to V1. White lines indicate the rostrocaudal level of the coronal sections shown in B and B′. B, Coronal section showing bisbenzimide-labeled callosal connections and injection site (arrow) on the lateral side of the callosal band near the V1/LM border (arrowhead). B′, Dark-field image of section adjacent to B, showing that BDA injection site is confined to gray matter. C, Dark-field images of BDA-labeled axonal branches terminating mainly in superficial layers Zo, SuG, and Op. Scale bars: A, B, B′, 1 mm; C, 0.5 mm. For abbreviations, see Figure 1.