Figure 6.
Iba1+ microglia phagocytose neural precursor cells in the developing neocortex. A–D, Iba1+ microglia (green) in the E80 macaque SVZ contact and envelope Tbr2+ neural precursor cells (red). E, An Iba1+ microglial cell (green) enveloping a PCNA-positive mitotic cell (red). F, A Tbr2+ nucleus (red, white arrowhead) inside an Iba1+ microglial cell (green). The nucleus of the microglial cell (DAPI, blue) is indicated by a white arrow. G, H, Microglia (green) contained Tbr2+ (red) puncta indicating degradation after phagocytosis. I, J, Microglia (green) contact and envelope Pax6+ precursor cells (red). Panels show confocal optical plane images. Nuclei stained with DAPI (blue). Scale bar: (in A) A–J, 10 μm.