Figure 9.
Reverberation in neurobehavioral correlation between area Spt and Broca's area. Time courses of the correlations between HγP modulation and articulatory load-related performance (SLP) in area Spt/PTp (blue) and PMv/Broca's area (red). Asterisks indicate statistically significant (FDR corrected, *p < 0.05) time points. Correlation time courses were computed separately for the stimulus and response periods and concatenated together for visualization. The stimulus contrast period begins at 0 ms, and the response period begins at −800 ms, with a 100 ms average time gap between the stimulus end and response period beginning (the variable gap represented by slanted lines). Whole-brain cortical localizations with accompanying scatter plots for Broca's area and area Spt are shown for two time points, one during the stimulus period (the 4th syllable contrasted with the 2nd) and one during the response period (4-syllable trials contrasted with 2-syllable trials). Filled circles in scatter plots depict the individual data, solid lines the best linear fit, and dotted lines the 95% confidence intervals.