Figure 8.
Illustration of the roles of dopaminergic neurons in different behaviors. Evidence for the involvement of a given set of neurons is indicated with a filled square in the legend, whereas evidence against is indicated by an × symbol. Squares connected with a line indicates evidence for the indivisible set of neurons in a behavior. MBN, Mushroom body neuron. Subscript numbers refer to references: 1, Schroll et al., 2006; 2, Claridge-Chang et al., 2009; 3, Aso et al., 2010; 4, Aso et al., 2012; 5, Liu et al., 2012; 6, Riemensperger et al., 2005; 7, Mao and Davis, 2009; 8, Krashes et al., 2009; 9, Berry et al., 2012; 10, Plaçais et al., 2012; 11, Bang et al., 2011; 12, present study.