Figure 6.
Transplantation of hESC-derived MGE progenitors contributes to functional recovery. (a) Timeline of surgery and behavioral analyses. (b) Morris water-maze test–based analysis of latency in finding a hidden platform before transplantation in mice treated as indicated. Sham: aCSF injection in medial septum. After transplantation, the MGE group, but not the VSP or CSF group, progressively shortened the latency in finding the platform: −0.5 months, F = 19.434 and P = 0.0006; 2 months, F = 5.671 and P = 0.01; 4 months, F = 12.14 and P = 0.0002; 6 months, F = 9.966 and P = 0.0007. (c) Summary of the latency in finding the hidden platform for the MGE group over time. (d) Times crossing the removed platform in the MGE-transplanted group compared to controls 6 months after transplantation. F = 3.359, P = 0.048. (e) Differential crossing and time spent in each of the quadrants by the mice. MGE crossings, F = 3.034 and P = 0.046; time, MGE time spent in quadrant, F = 12.093 and P < 0.001. (f) Latency in landing on the visible platform. (g) Latency in passive avoidance tests. F = 5.257 and P = 0.0159. Error bars, s.e.m.; *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01.