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. 2013 Mar;56(3-4):211–217. doi: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2013.01.014

Table 1.

Descriptive characteristics of the sample from Cambridge, UK.

Variable Percentage (number)
All participants (n = 419) Car (n = 288) Car in combination with walking or cycling (n = 131) p
Personal characteristics
Mean age in years (SD) 43.7 (11.9) 43.8 (10.8) 43.5 (11.8) 0.816
 Male 23.4 (98) 24.0 (69) 22.1 (29) 0.683
 Female 76.6 (321) 76.0 (219) 77.9 (102)
Weight status
 Underweight/normal 56.3 (232) 53.4 (151) 62.8 (81) 0.073
 Overweight/obese 43.7 (180) 46.6 (132) 37.2 (48)
Work type
 Sedentary/standing 81.8 (342) 83.6 (240) 77.9 (102) 0.157
 Manual 18.1 (76) 16.4 (47) 22.1 (29)
Difficulty walking
 Yes 2.4 (10) 2.1 (6) 3.0 (4) 0.546
 No 97.6 (409) 97.9 (282) 97.0 (127)
Number of children in the household
 None 67.3 (282) 67.3 (191) 71.0 (91) 0.525
 One or more 32.7 (137) 32.3 (97) 29.3 (40)
Urban–rural status
 Urban 44.3 (185) 42.9 (123) 46.6 (61) 0.479
 Rural 55.9 (234) 57.1 (164) 53.4 (70)

Socio-economic characteristics
Highest educational qualifications
 Lower than degree 35.1 (146) 35.3 (101) 34.6 (45) 0.890
 Degree or equivalent 64.9 (270) 64.7 (185) 65.4 (85)
Housing tenure
 Owned 85.4 (356) 84.6 (242) 87.0 (114) 0.518
 Privately rented/shared ownership/social housing 14.6 (61) 15.4 (44) 13.0 (17)
Index of multiple deprivation
 Quartile 1 (most deprived) 291 (25.0) 28.5 (82) 17.5 (23) 0.093
 Quartile 2 291 (25.0) 22.9 (66) 29.7 (39)
 Quartile 3 291 (25.0) 25.4 (73) 25.9 (34)
 Quartile 4 (least deprived) 290 (25.0) 23.2 (67) 26.7 (35)

Workplace-related characteristics
Distance to work
 < 10 km 22.9 (97) 21.8 (63) 26.0 (34) 0.642
 10.01–19.99 km 27.0 (112) 26.8 (77) 26.8 (35)
 20 km and over 50.1 (210) 51.4 (148) 47.2 (62)
Workplace car parking
 Free parking 48.5 (203) 62.2 (179) 18.3 (24) 0.001
 Pay for parking 35.3 (148) 32.6 (94) 41.2 (54)
 No parking 16.2 (68) 5.2 (15) 40.5 (53)
Geographical context of commuting journey
 Commuting to the heart from within the city 24.7 (103) 26.7 (76) 20.6 (27) 0.298
 Commuting to the outskirts from within the city 26.9 (112) 28.0 (80) 24.4 (32)
 Commuting to the heart from outside the city 22.6 (94) 20.7 (59) 26.7 (35)
 Commuting to the outskirts from outside the city 25.7 (107) 24.6 (70) 28.3 (37)

Perceptions of the route environmenta
Reported the least supportive route (lowest tertile) 33.4 (138) 39.4 (111) 20.6 (27) 0.001
 Middle tertile 34.2 (158) 37.9 (107) 38.9 (51)
 Reported the most supportive route (highest tertile) 28.3 (122) 22.7 (64) 40.5 (53)

Psychological measures relating to car use
Intention to use car (2 items)
 Below median 56.4 (234) 61.4 (175) 45.4 (59) 0.002
 Above median 43.6 (181) 38.6 (110) 54.6 (71)
Positive attitude towards car (2 items)
 Below median 51.9 (214) 59.7 (169) 34.8 (45) 0.001
 Above median 48.1 (198) 40.3 (114) 65.1 (84)
Perceived behavioural control (2 items)
 Below median 57.4 (236) 63.3 (179) 44.6 (57) 0.008
 Above median 42.6 (175) 36.7 (104) 55.4 (71)
Social norm (2 items)
 Below median 59.0 (242) 66.7 (188) 42.2 (54) 0.001
 Above median 41.0 (168) 33.3 (94) 57.8 (74)
Habit strength
 Low habit strength 50.5 (210) 54.5 (157) 40.5 (53) 0.008
 High habit strength 49.5 (206) 45.4 (131) 59.6 (78)

Physical activity
Mean minutes/day spent walking on the commute (SD) 5.14 (11.9) 0.65 (3.1) 11.8 (14.7) 0.001
Mean minutes/day spent cycling on the commute (SD) 4.3 (9.6) 1.3 (5.1) 17.4 (18.2) 0.001

Percentages represent column percentages. Data collected in 2009 in Cambridge, UK. p values represent differences between ‘car only’ and ‘car in combination with walking or cycling’ groups.


The seven items comprising the perceptions of the route environment were: ‘It is pleasant to walk’, ‘There is convenient public transport’, ‘There is little traffic’, ‘There are no convenient routes for walking’, ‘It is safe to cross the road’,’ The roads are dangerous for cyclists’ and ‘There are convenient routes for cycling’. Further details can be found in Panter et al. (2011).