(A) Triglyceride (TAG) content in cells from FBs of the indicated genotype; TAG concentration was normalized to the amount of protein; P-values were calculated from a Student t-test from three independent experiments, 10 larvae per genotype were used in each experiment. (B) Age-matched late L2 larvae were transferred in PBS, and larval viability was calculated every 12 hours. P-values from a Student t-test from three independent experiments P<0.001 was calculated for cg-control and cg-dMyc at all time points. cg-Desat1 RNAi and cg-Desat1 RNAi; dMyc animals are significantly smaller then cg-control animals (P<0.001), while no significant difference was found between cg-Desat1 RNAi and cg-Desat1 RNAi; dMyc (P>0.05). Error bars represent the standard deviations. (C) Actin flip-out clones in FB expressing dMyc (A), Desat1RNAi (B) or Desat1-RNAi; dMyc are marked with GFP, nuclei are stained with DAPI, lower panel is only DAPI. (D) Numbers represent the size of cells from flip-out clones in FB; size is expressed as % of the control wild-type GFP negative cells surrounding the clones (100). *P <0.05, **P <0.01, ***P <0.001; P-values were calculated from Student t-test from at least 40 cells. Error bars represent the standard deviations.