Figure 8.
Ablative HIFU exposures (1060 W/cm2, 10 s duration) with the focus placed at 3 mm beneath the surface. (A) IR images showing the surface temperature T (°C). (B) Images of the rate of temperature change ∂T/∂t (°C/s). (C) Bright-field images of the tissue surface showing lesion formation. (D) Time evolution of T at the center and 0.25 mm and 0.5 mm below the center (indicated on the first IR image in (A)). (E) Corresponding time evolution of ∂T/∂t : [1] ∂T/∂t starts to increase at 2 s, suggesting lesion formation in subsurface; [2] The CEM43 reaches 170 min at 3.62 s, predicting lesion formation at the surface between 3.5 and 4 s (see frame with arrow in (C)). The upper-right box shows the time evolution of ∂2T/∂t2 (°C/s2) at the center. The first zero-crossing occurred at 2 s. (F) Corresponding time evolution of CEM43: [1] 0.42 min at 2 s; [2] 170 min at 3.62 s. (G) Gross image of the lesion cross-section. Axial is the direction which ultrasound beams propagated, from the bottom surface of the tissue to the top surface.