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. 2012 Aug 16;4(3):808–820. doi: 10.3390/cancers4030808

Table 1.

Demographic and clinicopathologic information on the 31 INETs patients under evaluation.

Variable NFT FT p Value
Age (Years) <50 8 4 0.106
51–70 7 9
>70 0 3
Gender Male 13 12 0.653
Female 2 4
Outcome DOD 5 8
AW 0 0 0.3480
AWD 7 3
A.NED 3 3
Medical Treatment SMS 12 13
CT 2 3 0.653
SMS+CT 0 0
NO 1 0
Liver Tumor Load H1 13 1 0.0000026
H2 1 1
H3 1 14
Basal CgA ng/mL <200 10 3 0.0113
>200 5 13

F, female; M, male; DOD, died of disease; AW, alive and well; AWD, alive with disease; A.NED, not evidence of disease; H1, liver involvement <25%; H2, liver involvement between 25 and 50%; H3, liver involvement >50%; INETs, ileal neuroendocrine tumors; SMS, somatostatin analogues; CT, chemotheraphy; CgA, chromogranin A.