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. 2012 Aug 16;4(3):808–820. doi: 10.3390/cancers4030808

Table 3.

Distribution of tumor site (primary vs. metastasis) and Ki-67 labeling index according to SDHB expression (percentage of positive tumor cells) and immunstaining intensity.

SDHBExpression SITE Ki-67 labeling index
Primary Tumor Metastases p Value ≤1.3% ≥1.3% p Value
1–25% 2 3 1 4
26–50% 2 7 0.013 (trend) 3 6 0.038
51–75% 7 8 8 7
76–100% 9 1 7 3
SDHB Intensity
1+ 1 18 2 17
2+ 8 1 <0.0001(trend) 7 2 <0.0001(trend)
3+ 11 0 10 1

Ki-67 labeling index: 1.3% represented the median value and was chosen as cut-off for distinguishing slower from faster growing tumors within the G1 category.