Figure 1.
2000 PPS stimulation elicits action potentials. (A) Biphasic stimuli at 2000 PPS (top) elicit a periodic response (middle) in OFF-BT RGCs that was phase-locked to the stimulus. Irregularities in the periodicity pattern (bottom) were hypothesized to be the result of elicited action potentials. (B) Cathodal and anodal artifacts (top) were averaged over the entire trial (bottom), and then subtracted from the corresponding location in the raw waveform to yield a filtered waveform (C), in which action potentials, similar in size and shape to light-elicited action potentials (right), were readily apparent. (D) The filtered waveform was cross-correlated with the average light elicited action potential (top), and peaks in the cross-correlation (bottom) were used to determine the timing of each action potential. (E) Overlay of all extracted action potentials from a single trial. Red: average waveform.