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. 2013 Jul 2;15(2):190–197.

Fig 1.

Fig 1

PCR analysis of amplified hLIF and SDS page of produced hLIF. A. The expected 547 bp product of hLIF amplified by PCR with primers that added CCAC to 5' end. M: Size marker; C-: Negative control; LIF: about 700 bp PCR product of hLIF amplified by M13 forward and hLIF reveres primers; c1: Clone 1; c2: Clone 2.

B. SDS-PAGE analysis of hLIF production. Recombinant his-tag-hLIF expressed and purified successfully. M: Protein size marker; L: Lysate; CO: Cut off; W1: Wash 1; W2: Wash 2; E1: Elution 1; E2: Elution 2; E3: Elution 3. The purified proteins showed expected size band (21 kD) that represent the target proteins and His-tag). The protein band was excised and analyzed using mass spectrometry that resulted in identification of hLIF as single protein in band.