The NK3R agonist senktide increases the activity of KNDy neurons and does not change firing activity of GnRH neurons. Panels A and B, Representative extracellular recordings of a KNDy neuron from a castrate (panel A) or an intact (panel B, trace smoothed to reduce baseline drift) mouse during control (left) and 10nM senktide (right) conditions; variable current amplitudes reflect small changes in pipette position during the recording and do not provide information about changes in cell function. Panel C, Action current frequency of KNDy neurons during control (c) and senktide treatment at doses indicated in castrate (left) and intact (right) mice. Panel D, Representative extracellular recordings of a GnRH neuron from a castrate mouse during control (top) and 10nM senktide (bottom) conditions. Panel E, Action current frequency of GnRH neurons during control (c) and 10nM senktide (SK) treatment. Open circles show data from individual cells, filled circles show means, and lines connect data from the same cell. *, P < .05.