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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2013 Jul 17.
Published in final edited form as: Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2007 Jun;64(6):698–708. doi: 10.1001/archpsyc.64.6.698

Table 4.

Peaks of Activation During Irony Conditions*

Neutral Instructions vs Rest
Attend to Face or Prosody vs Rest
TD Group
ASD Group
TD Group
ASD Group
H x y z t
x y z t
x y z t
x y z t
Medial prefrontal cortex 8 L −6 40 48 4.41
9 L −10 58 28 4.92 −6 52 30 3.97 −8 52 32 3.35
9 R 2 50 20 3.85
10 L −2 62 18 7.44 0 62 20 6.69
10 R 4 58 14 3.13
Precentral gyrus 6 R 48 2 34 3.80 34 2 36 4.34
Middle frontal gyrus 9 R 40 12 38 3.64
46 L −44 42 4 3.29
Inferior frontal gyrus 44 L −58 18 16 3.23 −56 16 14 3.59 −50 14 26 3.25
44 R 32 14 22 3.79 50 18 24 4.19 52 16 16 3.93
45 L −56 22 20 2.91 −56 18 8 5.67 −52 20 18 3.35
45 R 50 24 10 5.30 50 24 16 5.51 40 30 0 5.27
47 L −44 22 −10 4.73 −48 30 −2 6.16
Transverse temporal gyrus 41/42 L −48 −30 8 10.11 −66 −32 10 6.41 −52 −28 6 10.99 −40 −32 14 3.38
41/42 R 48 −24 6 9.06 52 −26 10 6.10 52 −20 10 7.65 54 −24 6 6.48
Superior temporal gyrus 22 L −60 −22 2 10.61 −56 −30 2 8.01 −58 −22 4 16.63 −54 −20 4 6.31
22 R 54 −8 −2 12.63 56 −6 −2 4.72 50 −10 0 9.44 50 −20 2 6.92
Middle temporal gyrus 21 L −58 −4 −8 6.10 −60 −54 10 4.66 −66 −30 0 8.25 −56 −46 6 8.65
21 R 46 −38 2 5.74 54 −50 4 3.77 54 −6 −4 11.10 54 −2 −8 5.46
37 L −54 −68 8 4.63 −46 −62 10 6.29
37 R 50 −60 10 4.52 48 −62 6 5.75 52 −58 10 4.42 46 −62 6 6.00
39 L −48 −66 14 3.36 −52 −64 18 3.90 −48 −66 12 5.11 −44 −60 20 3.13
39 R 38 −70 16 3.37 52 −60 20 3.16 38 −68 12 6.29
Temporal pole 38 L −42 16 −18 2.88 −46 10 −26 4.55 −56 6 −10 5.23
38 R 38 16 −20 6.90 52 2 −8 3.23 40 14 −20 7.51 40 10 −26 6.27
Fusiform gyrus 37 L −40 −44 −14 4.40 −40 −62 −16 4.71 −44 −48 −12 12.18 −40 −50 −10 7.30
37 R 38 −48 −14 5.04 36 −46 −14 4.04 32 −46 −16 4.52 40 −54 −10 6.09
19 L −32 −80 −8 6.34 −34 −70 −14 5.48 −32 −56 −10 5.91 −32 −78 −8 6.04
19 R 26 −74 −10 3.67 36 −60 −8 5.68 40 −48 −8 6.92 28 −76 −10 5.84
Lingual gyrus 18 L −26 −78 −6 5.61 −24 −82 −2 4.95 −20 −82 −4 8.85 −22 −80 −8 6.81
18 R 24 −80 0 7.96 12 −86 0 6.38 22 −78 −2 8.51 16 −80 0 6.63
Middle occipital gyrus 19 L −32 −88 8 6.97 −46 −84 10 3.91 −32 −86 8 7.61 −46 −84 8 7.08
19 R 28 −82 4 8.18 34 −82 8 4.68 30 −84 8 10.65 40 −74 4 5.89
Inferior occipital gyrus 17/18 L −36 −84 −4 10.55 −30 −92 4 6.88 −34 −82 −4 9.51 −28 −86 −6 8.02
17/18 R 38 −76 −2 7.50 14 −90 −4 4.06 40 −74 0 9.42 20 −88 2 6.80
Cuneus 18 L −12 −94 20 3.39 −18 −94 12 4.03 −4 −92 12 7.30 −8 −92 10 2.59
18 R 10 −90 14 4.86 18 −88 10 6.07 16 −88 10 6.73 16 −92 12 6.08
Cerebellum L −28 −74 −28 5.34 −26 −72 −32 5.12 −30 −70 −26 3.90
R 12 −80 −20 5.71 16 −66 −20 4.08

Abbreviations: ASD, autism spectrum disorders; BA, Brodmann area; H, hemisphere; L, left; R, right; TD, typical development.


Thresholds were P<.05 corrected for multiple comparisons at the cluster level (k ≥115 voxels) and P<.05 at the voxel level (t>2.57 at peak).

Survive only a small volume correction (k ≥55 voxels).