Figure 8.
Prepubertal Kiss1 neurons are under higher presynaptic inhibitory tone. A, Representative current-clamp recording from a Kiss1 neuron in the AVPV. All AVPV Kiss1 neurons recorded at prepubertal stage exhibited overshooting action potentials. B, Bar graph summarizing the averaged RMP of Kiss1 neurons of the Arc nucleus. The RMP of Arc Kiss1 neurons from prepubertal female mice were similar to adult females. C, The frequency of action potentials (fAPs) of Arc Kiss1 neurons recorded from prepubertal female mice was significantly higher compared with females on diestrus. D–E, Representative voltage-clamp recordings demonstrates that AVPV/PeN (D) and Arc Kiss1 neurons (E) recorded from prepubertal female mice exhibited higher frequency of sIPSC compared with females on diestrus. Data are presented as mean ± SEM, *p < 0.05.