Adf-1 regulates RP2 dendrite growth by controlling FasII expression. A, qRT-PCR analysis from adult brains showing Adf-1-dependent regulation of FasII. B, Representative images of 3D reconstructed RP2 neurons from genotypes that modify Adf-1 and FasII. C, Volumetric Sholl analysis of FasII-overexpressing neurons compared with control. D, Volumetric Sholl analysis to test genetic interaction between Adf-1 and FasII. E, Quantification of dendrite branch number and total dendrite length in FasII-overexpressing neurons. F, Quantification of dendrite branch number and length for Adf-1–FasII interaction. G, Branch-order analysis for Adf-1–FasII interaction. H, Western blot from adult brain showing increased expression of FasII (arrow) 18 h after the induction of Adf-1[S64/184A] in neurons with RU486. Tubulin is used as a loading control.