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. 2013 Jul 17;33(29):12090–12098. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1008-13.2013

Table 1.

Peak voxel responses for two contrasts of interest listed by anatomical region

Region label Shift–NoShift
Peak voxel in Talairach coordinates (x, y, z) t Peak voxel in Talairach coordinates (x, y, z) t
Frontal cortex
    Left adPMC (−15.2, 19.3, 51.7) 3.700
    Left adPMC (−19.0, 10.8, 48.3) 5.024
    Left aMFg (−24.6, 36.8, 25.8) 3.759
    Left pFO (−38.5, 15.3, 7.0) 3.543
    Left pdPMC (−7.5, −16.0, 59.4) 3.515
    Left pdPMC (−15.2, −19.9, 41.9) 3.656
    Right SFg (8.8, 28.9, 41.2) 3.757 (12.9, 16.9, 30.8) 4.350
    Right aMFg (40.2, 36.3, 23.0) 5.859
    Right dIFt (50.2, 27.5, 8.0) 3.374
    Right FOC (31.4, 24.7, −9.0) 4.212
    Right dMC (3.4, −24.8, 65.1) 3.154
Temporal cortex
    Left Heschl's (−48.1, −16.5, 0.3) 5.602 (−49.6, −19.7, 6.8) 3.182
    Left STg (−59.8, −44.1, 13.8) 3.095
    Right pdSTs (52.8, −32.1, 4.4) 4.268
    Right PP (52.1, −5.6, −5.5) 3.920
    Right PT (51.8, −20.5, 3.9) 3.435 (62.5, −19.1, 5.4) 4.656
Occipital cortex
    Left OC (−4.2, −78.6, 28.4) 4.436

Peak responses were defined as local t-statistic maxima (t > 3.08) in a cluster of at least 75 mm2, determined by an FDR correction of the Shift–NoShift contrast. Each peak voxel was mapped to a cortical region (Nieto-Castanon et al., 2003; Tourville and Guenther, 2012) and is listed with the t statistic associated with that voxel. Voxel locations are provided in the Talairach stereotaxic reference frame. adPMC, Anterior dorsal premotor cortex; aMFg, anterior middle frontal gyrus; dIFt, dorsal inferior frontal gyrus, pars triangularis; dMC, dorsal motor cortex; FOC, fronto-orbital cortex; OC, occipital cortex; pdPMC, posterior dorsal premotor cortex; pdSTs, posterior dorsal superior temporal sulcus; pFO, posterior frontal operculum; PP, planum polare; PT, planum temporale; SFg, superior frontal gyrus.