Fig. 7.
Distribution of mGluR1α+ and CR+ UBCs in rat nodulus and uvula as seen in coronal sections. The midline of each section is indicated with horizontal, magenta colored line. Mid-to-lateral zones 1-7 are marked with black dashed lines. Arrowheads indicate UBC rich bands in IXc/d;r3. a Typical mGluR1α immunolabeling; intense immunolabeling of Purkinje cell dendrites in ml and distinct immunopositivity in gcl UBCs, especially in nodulus and IXc/d;r3. The highest density of mGluR1α+ UBCs is present around midline. Xdors contain an area encompassing zone 3-5 with low UBC density (asterisk). Inset a’ shows a representative mGluR1α+ UBC; intense staining in the brush (arrow) and subtle immunopositivity in soma (arrowhead). b Typical CR immunolabeling in UBCs and granule cells. The granule cells somata in gcl and their axons (parallel fibers) in the ml show intense immunopositivity in all cerebellar lobules (IXa, COP shown) except the nodulus and IXc;r2. These later structures contain a dense CR+ UBC population and CR+ mossy fibers. Purple dash line delineate an area (purple arrows) with especially dense population of CR labeled UBCs and mossy fibers. Inset b’ shows a representative CR+ UBC; intense staining in the brush (arrow) and cell body (arrowhead). c Schematic illustration of the mGluR1α+ (left side) and CR+ (right side) UBC distributions in mid-to-later zones. Numbers indicate the density of UBCs (N/0.01mm2; for standard deviations see Supplementary Table 1). Midline zones 1 of Xvent and IXc/d;r3 contain the highest densities (red colored zones) of CR+ UBCs and mGluR1α+ UBCs, respectively. d A gradient map illustrates the distribution of CR+ UBCs(right side) and mGluR1α+ UBC (left side). Asterisk marks a sparse mGluR1α+ UBC region in Xdors. Red color is associated with the highest cell density (max) of either CR+ UBCs or mGluR1α+ UBCs. The deep blue colored area contain hardly any UBCs. Scale bars a 200 μm (applies to a-d), inset a’ 5 μm (applies to insets a’, b’)