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. 2013 Aug;12(8):822–838. doi: 10.1016/S1474-4422(13)70124-8

Table 2.

Proposed image acquisition standards for neuroimaging of small vessel disease

Purpose* Orientation Target-slice thickness and in-plane resolution Comment
Minimum essential sequences—eg, for clinical or large-scale epidemiological studies, available on most MRI scanners
T1-weighted Important for discriminating lacunes from dilated perivascular spaces; for discriminating grey from white matter, and for studying brain atrophy 2D axial, sagittal, or coronal 3–5 mm, and 1 mm × 1 mm At least one sequence in sagittal or coronal plane is helpful to visualise full extent and orientation of lesions
DWI The most sensitive sequences for acute ischaemic lesions; positive for up to several weeks after cerebrovascular event 2D axial 3–5 mm, and 2 mm × 2 mm Reduced signal on apparent diffusion coefficient map helps to discriminate recent lesions from old lesions
T2-weighted To characterise brain structure; to differentiate lacunes from white matter hyperintensities and perivascular spaces; to identify old infarcts 2D axial 3–5 mm, and 1 mm × 1 mm ..
FLAIR To identify white matter hyperintensities and established cortical or large subcortical infarcts; to differentiate white matter lesions from perivascular spaces and lacunes 2D axial 3–5 mm, and 1 mm × 1 mm ..
T2*-weighted GRE To detect haemorrhage, cerebral microbleeds, siderosis; for measurement of intracranial volume 2D axial 3–5 mm, and 1 mm × 1 mm Only reliable routine sequence for detection of haemorrhage
Other routine sequences, available on most MR scanners
Proton density-weighted To detect white matter hyperintensities, infarcts, perivascular spaces (with T2-weighted dual echo), or other pathologies 2D axial 3–5 mm, and 2 mm × 2 mm Mostly replaced by FLAIR
MRA To detect stenosis of vertebral, basilar, internal carotid, middle cerebral, anterior cerebral, or posterior cerebral artery, or other pathologies Post-contrast or 3D time-of-flight for intracranial arteries 3D, axial, coronal, sagittal reconstruction; 1 mm isotropic voxels Only large vessels visible at 1·5 T or 3·0 T; see below for perforating arterioles
Sequences commonly available on commercial clinical MR scanners; at present, used more for research studies, but some techniques are increasingly used in clinical protocols
DTI with six-gradient direction diffusion encoding To diagnose recent infarct; measurement of mean diffusivity and fractional anisotropy 2D axial 3–5 mm, and 2 mm × 2 mm More detailed characterisation than with DWI; acquisition time is double that for DWI
SWI or equivalent Very sensitive to haemosiderin, measurement of intracranial volume 2D or 3D axial 2D: 3–5 mm, and 2 mm × 2 mm; 3D: 1 mm isotropic voxels Enables visualisation of more cerebral microbleeds than T2*-weighted GRE imaging and is more sensitive to artifacts including motion
Research-only sequences; require research expertise
Isotropic volumetric T2-weighted To display fine detail of perivascular spaces 3D axial 1 mm isotropic voxels Allows post-acquisition reformatting; could potentially replace 2D T2-weighted imaging if signal-to-noise ratio is adequate
Isotropic volumetric 3D T1-weighted (eg, MP-RAGE) Provides improved global and regional volumetric brain measurements 3D axial 1 mm isotropic voxels Allows post-acquisition reformatting; could potentially replace 2D T1-weighted imaging if signal-to-noise ratio is adequate
Isotropic volumetric FLAIR Enables identification of white matter hyperintensities; used for imaging cortical or subcortical infarcts 3D axial 1 mm isotropic voxels Allows post-acquisition reformatting; could potentially replace 2D FLAIR imaging if signal-to-noise ratio is adequate; more homogeneous CSF suppression
Advanced DTI with more than six-direction diffusion encoding (eg, 32 or more diffusion-encoding directions) Provides refined and superior quantitative measurements of microscopic tissue changes 2D axial 3–5 mm, and 2 mm × 2 mm Allows for tractography, connectome mapping, and more accurate measurements of mean diffusivity and fractional anisotropy
MTR To detect demyelination and axonal loss 2D axial 3–5 mm, and 1 mm × 1 mm Experience in acquisition and interpretation needed; involves two measurements (with and without magnetisation transfer-pulse)
T1 mapping To measure water content of tissue Axial 3–5 mm, and 2 mm × 2 mm Experience in acquisition and interpretation needed
Permeability imaging To estimate permeability of the blood–brain barrier Axial; sequential before and after contrast 3–5 mm, and 2 mm × 2 mm Intravenous contrast injection needed; involves complex image processing; methods improving rapidly
ASL perfusion imaging To measure tissue perfusion; quantitative, with assumptions 2D axial 3–5 mm, and 2 mm × 2 mm Complex to set up and run accurately; needs post-processing; optimum processing strategies not yet confirmed; contrast injection not needed
Perfusion imaging (DCE or DSC) To semiquantitatively measure blood perfusion in tissue 2D axial 3–5 mm, and 2 mm × 2 mm Needs intravenous injection of contrast agent and post-processing; optimum acquisition and processing not yet confirmed for T1 (DCE) or T2*-weighted (DSC) approaches
fMRI To measure brain function in response to tasks or stimuli, or at rest for default mode networks 2D axial 3–5 mm, and 2 mm × 2 mm Complex set-up, acquisition, and processing
QSM To provide quantitative measures of susceptibility changes, independent of scanner or acquisition variables 2D or 3D axial 2D: 3–5 mm, and 2 mm × 2 mm; 3D: 1 mm isotropic voxels Uses an SWI-like acquisition, but needs very complex post-processing methods; post-processing strategies currently under investigation
Microatheroma and arteriolar imaging To visualise perforating arteriolar anatomy and atheroma Uncertain, emerging method Uncertain, emerging method Promising experimental approach that needs a scanner that is more than 3·0 T

DWI=diffusion-weighted imaging. FLAIR=fluid-attenuated inversion recovery. GRE= gradient-recalled echo. MRA=magnetic resonance angiography. DTI=diffusion tensor imaging. SWI=susceptibility-weighted imaging. MP-RAGE=magnetisation-prepared rapid acquisition with gradient echo. MTR=magnetisation transfer ratio. ASL=arterial spin labelling. DCE=dynamic contrast-enhancement. DSC=dynamic susceptibility contrast. fMRI=functional MRI. QSM=quantitative susceptibility mapping.


MRI at 3·0 T is preferred to 1·5 T. However, these standards are listed as minimum and essential to research-only applications. These categories are not absolute; purposes are variable, and will vary with investigators' interest, expertise, and available technology.