Figure 1.
Saffman-Delbrück versus Stokes-Einstein model. The investigated species are DPPE, cytochrome B5 (depicted without transmembrane domain), KcsA, EcClC, and AcrB. The monomeric forms of membrane proteins were directly added to the BLM. The oligomeric forms were reconstituted via SNARE-mediated vesicle fusion. DPPE was labeled with Atto655, and all proteins were labeled with Alexa647. In addition, we fitted the HPW-based model suggested by Petrov and Schwille (6), which can reproduce the classical Saffman-Delbrück model in the size range investigated. The fit parameter for all fits was the product of membrane viscosity and thickness, μmh. The temperature was set to 295 K and the viscosity of the surrounding buffer was μs = 0.96 mPa·s.