Table 1.
Physicochemical properties of the nanoparticles used in this study
Nanoparticle | Specific surface area (m2g−1) | dXRD (nm) | dTEM (nm) | DPCCS (nm)f | pHIEP |
TiO2 | 50 | 21a | 20–80 | 110, 2200 (28, 290) | 6.3 |
α-FeO(OH) | 100 | 8.1b, 31.8c | 11d, 62e | 110, 1800 (18, 190) | 9.4 |
Primary grain size determined from Scherrer analysis of the <101> diffraction peak in XRD.
Average primary size determined from the <110> reflection in XRD.
Average primary size determined from the <002> reflection in XRD.
Average height and width and width of the rod-shaped primary particles determined from TEM.
Average length of the long axis determined from TEM.
DPCCS denotes agglomerate particle size measured with photon cross-correlation spectroscopy. Multiple numbers indicate multimodal distributions. Boldface numbers indicate the most abundant mode. Agglomerate size after sonication is indicated in parentheses.