Quantity: lessons taught |
% Lessons taught |
Dichotomous: high/low |
SPLASH seventh |
Indicate the number of SPLASH computer classes you taught |
No. classes taught |
SPLASH eighth |
For the computer lessons, indicate whether you taught both lessons |
0 = no, 1 = yes |
Indicate the number of youth advocacy lessons you taught |
No. lessons taught |
TNT seventh |
Indicate the number of TNT classes you taught |
No. classes taught |
TNT eighth |
Indicate the number of TNT lessons you taught |
No. lessons taught |
Completeness: lessons finished |
% Lessons finished |
Dichotomous: high/low |
SPLASH seventh |
Indicate the number of classes that were not finished within class time |
No. classes not finished |
SPLASH eighth |
Indicate the number of lessons that were not finished within class time |
No. lessons not finished |
TNT seventh |
Indicate the number of classes that were not finished within class time |
No. classes not finished |
TNT eighth |
Indicate the number of lessons that were not finished within class time |
No. lessons not finished |