Spiking of interneuron subtypes is not more synchronous than pyramidal cells. A, Diagram depicting a layer 4 small recurrent network of cells consisting of interneurons (green and blue) and principal cells (gray). Two nearby cells, either pvGFP, sGFP, or unlabeled PCs were patched in whole-cells current-clamp mode within 200 μm of one another. B, Left, electrophysiological traces from two nearby sGFP cells. Right, a schematic depicting how the minimum intercell spike interval was calculated for each spike in the top trace to the right. C, Representative traces from pairs of simultaneously patched pvGFP (top), sGFP (middle), and PC (bottom) pairs during thalamic stimulation during trials in which both cells fired action potentials. D, Probability distributions of minimum intercell spike time intervals for pvGFP cells, sGFP cells and PCs during thalamic stimulation were not significantly different from one another. E, Probability distributions of minimum intercell spike time intervals during spontaneously occurring activations were not significantly different from one another.