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. 2013 Jul 18;9(7):e1003637. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1003637

Table 1. X chromosome nondisjunction in solo females.

DJb DJb Hc Sd Sd nullo
Genotypesa B B+ y+f+ y+f y f+ y B♂ Ne %NDJf %Sg P/Fh
soloZ2-0198/Df 238 230 97 16 9 165 755 55.1 20.5 7.2
soloZ2-3534/Df 203 214 116 9 17 171 730 60.0 18.3 6.1
soloZ2-0338/Df 185 218 96 11 22 176 708 60.2 25.6 6.2
Total solo 626 662 309 36 48 512 2193 58.4 21.4 6.4
solo/+ 1210 1031 0 0 0 0 2241 0.0 72.3

Dp(1;1)scv1, y pn cv m f.y+/y females of the indicated chromosome 2 genotypes were crossed with YSX.YL, In(1)EN, y B/Y males (X∧Y/Y). Df = Df(2L)A267 that is deficient for solo.


DJ = normal (disjunctional) progeny.


H = Matriclinous daughters derived from homolog NDJ.


S = Matriclinous daughters derived from sister chromatid NDJ. See Figure S1 for classification of NDJ types.


N = total number of progeny.

Since there was no significant difference among the three controls, the numbers were summed for the analysis.


%NDJ = 100×2×NDJ flies/(N+NDJ flies) where NDJ flies = (H+S+nullo).


%S = 100×S/(S+H).


P/F = mean progeny per female.