Hit ratio is used as the empirical power for the fifteen groups each for the eight models. Hit ratio is defined as the ratio at which the incorporated causal pair is identified to have the strongest association. Three different measures, , CVC, and BA are compared. Groups 1, 2, and 3 have the same number of SNPs (10), and the numbers of samples increase with the group numbers (400, 1000, 2000), repeating the same for the next 3 groups with an increased number of SNPs (50), and so on. See Table 3 for details. The power of is shown to be higher than the powers of MDR with CVC or BA. The superiority is clearer, especially for the groups 1, 4, 7, 10, 13 in which the number of samples are insufficient when compared to the number of SNPs. As the number of SNPs increases, the difference in power becomes larger.