(A) The nucleotide sequence of the most proximal TBP promoter depicting Elk-1 and AP-1 sites. (B) Ethanol-mediated stimulation of the TBP promoter requires both Elk-1 and AP-1 binding sites. The human TBP promoter sequence denoting the Elk-1 and AP-1 sites located between −54 and −1 of transcriptional start site (top). The TBP-Luc reporter constructs of the wild type (WT), mutant Elk-1 binding site (Elk-1 mt), mutant AP-1 binding site (AP-1 mt), or mutant both Elk-1 and AP-1 binding sites were transfected into HepG2-ADH cells. Where designated, cells were treated with 50 mM ethanol for 60 min. Luciferase activity was normalized to total protein levels, and changes were calculated based on untreated control. Fold change was calculated based on normalization to luciferase activity in WT TBP-Luc reporter transfected cells. All values shown are the means ± SEM of at least three independent experiments.