Table 1.
Definitions of symbols used to designate spatial, temporal, and optical variables.
Symbol | Definition | Figures |
xo, zo | Position of observer along x and z axes, respectively | 2A |
xm, zm | Position of moving object along x and z axes, respectively | 2A |
W | Width of observer's body | 2A |
E | Observer's eyeheight | 2B |
Vmax | Maximum speed at which the observer is capable of moving | – |
t | Current time | – |
t* | Time at moment that leading edge of object first reaches the locomotor path (gray area in Figure 2A) | – |
TTC | Amount of time remaining until the object crosses the reference axis | – |
k | A parameter equal to one-half of the ratio of the observer's body width (W) to his or her eyeheight (E) | – |
dfront | Minimum distance that the observer must travel to pass in front of the moving object | 2A |
dbehind | Minimum distance that the observer must travel to pass behind the moving object | – |
vfront | Minimum speed at which the observer must travel to pass in front of the moving object | – |
vbehind | Maximum speed at which the observer could travel and still safely pass behind the moving object | – |
α | Angle between reference direction and moving object | 2B |
θ | Angle subtended by edges of moving object | 2B |
γ | Angle of declination of projection of base of object along reference axis | 2B |