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. 2013 Jul 19;7:85. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2013.00085

Table 1.

Definitions of symbols used to designate spatial, temporal, and optical variables.

Symbol Definition Figures
xo, zo Position of observer along x and z axes, respectively 2A
xm, zm Position of moving object along x and z axes, respectively 2A
W Width of observer's body 2A
E Observer's eyeheight 2B
Vmax Maximum speed at which the observer is capable of moving
t Current time
t* Time at moment that leading edge of object first reaches the locomotor path (gray area in Figure 2A)
TTC Amount of time remaining until the object crosses the reference axis
k A parameter equal to one-half of the ratio of the observer's body width (W) to his or her eyeheight (E)
dfront Minimum distance that the observer must travel to pass in front of the moving object 2A
dbehind Minimum distance that the observer must travel to pass behind the moving object
vfront Minimum speed at which the observer must travel to pass in front of the moving object
vbehind Maximum speed at which the observer could travel and still safely pass behind the moving object
α Angle between reference direction and moving object 2B
θ Angle subtended by edges of moving object 2B
γ Angle of declination of projection of base of object along reference axis 2B