Table 2.
BRIDGE Collaborative Products (April, 2007–July, 2011)
Target audience |
Products | Parents | Providers | Researchers | Funders | Policy makers |
Publications | |||||
Stahmer, A.C., Brookman-Frazee, L., Lee, E., Searcy, K., & Reed, S. (2011). Parent and Multi-Disciplinary Provider Perspectives on Earliest Intervention for Children at-risk for Autism Spectrum Disorders. Infants and Young Children, 24, 344–363. |
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Stahmer, A.C., Schreibman, L., & Cunningham, A.B., (2011). Towards a technology of treatment individualization for young children with autism spectrum disorders. Brain Research, 1380, 229–239. (invited) |
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Searcy, K. (2011). Early Intervention for Speech and Language: Empowering Parents. San Diego, CA: Plural Publishing, Inc. |
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Presentations | |||||
Stahmer, A. “Services research in autism: Translating research into community practice” UCSD Psychology Department Colloquium Series, La Jolla, CA, October 2009. |
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Feder, J. BRIDGE Summary. ICDL Southern California DIR/Floortime Regional Institute, Pasadena, CA, February 13, 2010. |
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Feder, J. Research Panel, ICDL DIR/Floortime Institute, Washington, DC July 9, 2010 |
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Feder, J. Getting to Engagement. ICDL Southern California DIR/Floortime Regional Institute, Pasadena, CA, October 9, 2010. |
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Stahmer, A., & Reed, S. “Bridging the gap between research and community practice” Rady Children’s Autism Workgroup, San Diego, CA, March, 2010. |
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Stahmer, A. “Effective community-based early intervention for young children with autism” Keynote Address, Autism Society of North Carolina Annual Conference, Chapel Hill, NC, April, 2010. |
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Lee, E., Stahmer, A., Searcy, K., Brookman-Frazee, L., & Reed, S. Earliest Intervention for Young Children with Risk for Autism: What Community Providers and Families Value. Paper presented at the 9th Annual International Meeting for Autism Research, Philadelphia, PA, May, 2010. |
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Stahmer, A. Towards a technology of treatment individualization for young children with Autism. In S. Rogers (Chair) Cutting edge research in behavioral interventions for ASD. Symposium conducted at the Annual Brain Research Meeting: The Emerging Neuroscience of Autism Spectrum Disorders, San Diego, CA, November 2010. |
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Lee, E., & Searcy, K. Early intervention for children at risk for autism: What community providers and families value. Paper presented at Project ABC National Conference, Los Angeles, CA. February, 2011. |
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Searcy, K., & Stahmer, A. Evidence-based early interventions for infants and toddlers with autism and their caregivers. Paper presented at the California Speech and Hearing Association Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, March 2011. |
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Stahmer, A. “Diffusion of Evidence Based Practice to the Community: Example of Early Intervention” Autism Intervention Research Network for Behavioral Health (AIR-B), Meeting on Evidence Based Practices for Community Based Outreach, Los Angeles, CA May 2011. |
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Lee, E. Earliest intervention for young children with risk for autism: Community feedback. Poster presented at the 118th Annual American Psychological Association Convention, San Diego, CA, August 2010. |
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Searcy, K., Cervantes, L., & Stahmer, A. The BRIDGE Collaborative Project. Presentation to the Chula Vista Community Collaborative. June 2011. |
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Searcy, K. Earliest intervention for young children with risk for autism: Community feedback. Poster presented at the Infant Development Association Annual Conference; Early Intervention: Practices that Make a Difference. Riverside, CA. April 2010. |
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Searcy, K., & Casper, S. The collaborative process and early intervention: Autism and related disorders. American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Convention. San Diego, CA. November, 2011. |
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Searcy, K., & Burgeson, M. Communication & behavioral intervention for young children: integrating therapies. American Speech Language Hearing Association Annual Convention. San Diego, CA. November 2011. |
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Community recognition/awards | |||||
San Diego Community and Youth Roundtable 2011 Knight Award recognizing Dr. Stahmer for her BRIDGE collaborative research with a goal of improving community services |
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BRIDGE Members (Cook-Clark; Feder; Stahmer) invited to join the San Diego community’s Early Childhood Mental Health Super Leaders group to advance infant and early childhood mental health services in San Diego Community (2011) |
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Advocacy | |||||
Feder, J. July 13, 2011, Sacramento, CA California State Senate Select Committee on Autism and Related Disorders Hearing on Autism and Insurance Reform. |
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Grants/contracts— | |||||
U.S.P.H.S. Research Grant 1R21MH083893–01A1 “Research on Infant/Toddler Mental Health: Building a Community Partnership.” |
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Community Programs Vendored through San Diego Regional Center to provide TSC /BRIDGE intervention: |
Kaiser Permanente provides TSC/BRIDGE to their patients in San Diego |
Conferences/trainings hosted | |||||
Ingersoll, B. Teaching Social Communication (TSC) November, 2009 |
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Solomon, R. P.L.A.Y. Project November, 2009 | X | X | X | ||
Kaiser, A. Enhanced Milieu Teaching (EMT) December, 2009 |
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BRIDGE TSC Training, May 26–27, 2010 | X | ||||
Intervention materials | |||||
Supplemental Parent Handouts to Enhance TSC Curriculum |
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Supplemental Therapist Training Materials to Enhance TSC Curriculum |
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Dissemination/marketing tools | |||||
BRIDGE Therapist Newsletters (Quarterly since September, 2010) |
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BRIDGE Website/Fliers |
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