Figure 3. BMCs differentiated into capillary structures in the infarcted area after MI and ONO-1301 treatment.
Representative macro image of H and E staining seven days after MI and ONO-1301 treatment. The transplanted sheet is enclosed by a dashed line. A) Serial section of A. The BMCs displayed GFP. B) High-magnification image of the boxed region in A. C) Serial section of C. Arrowheads indicate vWF-expressing BMCs. Red indicates vWF; green, BMCs; and blue, nuclei. D) Representative images of isolectin-stained BMCs seven days after MI and ONO-1301 treatment. E) BMC accumulation and percentages of isolectin-positive BMCs. The number of BMCs that accumulated in the infarcted myocardium was greater in the ONO-1301-treated (O) group than in the vehicle (V) group. The percentage of isolectin-positive BMCs was also greater in the O group than in the V group. *P<0.05 vs. V group. F) Small vessel density. Small vessels were detected by CD31 immunostaining. The density of small vessels in the O group was greater than in the V group. *P<0.05 vs. V group.