Figure 1.
Segregation analysis of resistance marker loci in Nicotiana attenuata. Histogram of the sensitivity rates of 113 independently transformed N. attenuata lines due to segregation of the resistance marker gene monitored over three generations (T1–T3), overlaid with smoothed density plots. Seedlings with a sensitivity rate between 10–50% were considered to descend from a hemizygous plant. More than 50% sensitivity was interpreted as gene silencing of the hygromycin B resistance marker and a sensitivity rate around 6.25% indicated two independent segregating loci. A, Sensitivity rates of T1 seedlings collected from 113 independently transformed T0 plant lines. Seedlings with the desired sensitivity rate between 10–50% were chosen for further inbreeding (indicated in black). B, Sensitivity rates of T2 seedlings collected from 951 T1 plants. The offspring of nine to ten plants were analyzed per plant line. Descendants from homozygous plants (0% sensitivity) were chosen for further inbreeding (indicated in black). C, Sensitivity rates of T3 seedlings collected from 149 T2 plants homozygous to the transgene. Any occurring sensitivity to the resistance marker was considered as gene silencing. Desired plant lines with sustained resistance were indicated in black.